Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Timidly Dipping Our Toes In

The kiddos are in the process of submitting their first blogs, and I am finding that for every insightful entry, there are four entries that read like a robot wrote them. I am completely o.k. with that! After all, it wasn’t that long ago that I was a student who moved through assignments with little understanding of the “why” behind them, and with even less understanding as to how they impacted my future. Sure I could blame this on my teachers (and don’t get me wrong, I had a few doozies), but honestly I just wasn’t ready intellectually or emotionally to connect the dots. Reflection, self-analysis, and action research were not a part of personal daily routine.

Part of my vision for the 20% Time Project in my class is to provide the time, space, resources, and structure to allow students to begin making this necessary step. As the students move forward with their project goals, their ability to reflect on the process of their learning should improve. I created a document with possible blog prompts to help some of my reluctant reflectors get started. I also believe that if the students begin getting feedback on their blogs (hint, hint), it will encourage them to think more deeply.

The first blogs are a starting point – a place that will look very distant in May. In the meantime, I wanted to highlight a few blogs that have already found their voice!

Find out how RaeQwon plans to unite history with shoe design!

Learn more about Ellie’s struggle to identify a 20% Time Project that was just right!

 Discover Luis’s vision for the perfect sports complex!

See how Madison was able to pursue her passion for reading and still create a final product!

Check out how Julia is just plain gonna change the world!

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