Friday, February 7, 2014

20% Time Project Proposals

This week the students worked on putting together a formal project proposal for their 20% Time Project. They used a template, and I created one as a model. This turned out to be incredibly helpful for the kids. Many of them had great ideas, but were really struggling to turn those ideas into final products or goals. Also, I was getting that “mouth open, eyes squinched, what-are-you-talking-about” face when I told them to be prepared to actually begin making progress on their projects by Friday. The proposal forced the students to think about getting from Point A to Point B. Also, we had great discussions and did some serious work on how to be specific when writing. Next week the students will present their proposals to the class along with a visual aid.  

The process students have gone through as they refined their ideas, and moved closer to their true passions has been very eye opening. I am working on trying to figure out how to create a structure that would help the students capture that process and journey, but beyond their personal blogs I don’t have any ideas at the moment.

An effect of Snowmaggedon last week was that we were not able to have our 20% Time. That means today was really the first day that the kids were actively working on their projects. Most of the kiddos got to work right away, but there were definitely some that still felt stuck. However, I am happy to report that by the end of our time together every student was moving and grooving.
New student blogs should be posted over the weekend, so check some out!

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